Aqua-airius Aqua-airius
Behandeling van afvalwater en verontreinigde lucht in één reactor

Waste Water & Odour Treatment


The Aqua-airius is a biological filter that is applied in the treatment of both waste water and air. It has the unique functionality of treating water and air simultaneously: a separate investment in air treatment is no longer necessary, while the costs for the filter can be easily recovered because of the reduced waste water charges. But this filter also offers interesting benefits even if used “just” for waste water or air

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Waste Water Treatment

Flotation Unit

The CFU can be used for removing grease, oil, suspended solids and undissolved particles from waste water. The flotation unit can be used as pre-treatment in the water treatment process, for example in a biological treatment programme (Aqua-airius), but it can also be used as the sole step in the treatment process.

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Waste Water Treatment

Cloudy Water

An installation for creating large quantities of cloudy water for a flotation unit.

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